If we can cook it, you can cook it!

Martha Stewart’s Strawberry Shortcake with Basil. The Perfect Cake to celebrate Uncle Andrew’s Day!

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Uncle Andrew…there from the very

Last weekend, we celebrated Father’s Day with all the necessary cards, salutations on Facebook, telephone calls filled with praise for Dear Old Dad.   I know how much it meant to me and how much I admire the Dad in my own family who is raising one spectacular grandson.  And how spectacular is he?  Well, at age almost 4, he came to visit Uncle Andrew and me for Father’s Day two years ago.  As he proudly handed me an oversized

There for Mason always.

Father’s Day card, he turned to his mother and said “There really ought to be an Uncle Andrew’s Day”.  And well there should be.  When I think of how much Uncle Andrew does for Mason, the grandson in question, and then when I multiply it out for a lifetime of giving to his nieces and nephews and god children, there likely should an Uncle Andrew month.  Then, when I think of all the other uncles –the Terrys, the Shawns, the Jeffs, the Dons, the Michaels, the Jims, the Hueys, the Bills and the Peters—this ought to be a national holiday. Add to them all the single Moms –the Annas, the Cindys, the Zoilas–who are both mother and father to their children and Father’s Day just does not cover all the people it takes to raise a child.  So here’s to all of you on Uncle Andrew’s Day!  And what better way to celebrate than with a cake! 

         Granted there’s no holiday in it for Uncle Andrew. In our house, he bakes the cake, which, all told, takes a total of 8 hours and 40 minutes to make.  Mercifully, the prep time is just 30 of those minutes but still…  However, this cake rewards its baker with a luscious, fresh berry-filling in a buttery shortcake that’s topped with the aroma of fresh basil leaves.  Dip your fork into the whipped cream topping and savor the flavor of fresh basil whipped cream! Turns out  Strawberries and Basil, like Strawberries and Balsamic, were made for each other. And that’s just about the taste.  The look of the cake is equal to the flavors, those green basil leaves against the white and red background of cream and berries is Instagram-worthy.   So make this cake this weekend and celebrate Uncle Andrew’s Day with your favorite uncles. They deserve every bite on their own special day.

10 thoughts on “Martha Stewart’s Strawberry Shortcake with Basil. The Perfect Cake to celebrate Uncle Andrew’s Day!”

  • Monte,
    What a beautiful blog. Andrew is the best brother, uncle and godfather.He is always there for all of us to listen, advise and help. There should, indeed, be a Uncle Andrew's day.

  • Here! Here! Monte, I totally agree! There most definitely be an Uncle Andrews Day declared in observance of all the people it takes to raise a child! Perhaps you should request one for Uncle Andrew. Chase's Calendar of Events is a good start:)

    I can still remember the very first time I ventured to sprinkle Balsamic Vinegar on Strawberries. "Do I dare" I asked myself. I did and never looked back! At the moment, I can only imagine the heavenly scent of basil and strawberries melding together. I must change that ASAP! 8 hours and 40 minutes will be worth every morsel, I'm sure:)

    Thank you so much for sharing, Monte…I hope you are enjoying this fine weather, finally:)

    P.S. Saint Andrew's Day is celebrated on November 30th, (I think:)

  • Louise, it's always such a pleasure to read your comments. You are quite right: There's a big St. Andrew's Day Ball annually in Montreal and when I took part we would rehearse Scottish dances for weeks beforehand. The Gay Gordons were a particular favorite…which is ironic to say the least. All best to you and do try this cake! Monte

  • Jeff, I am so sorry but somehow this wonderful response got buried and I didn't see it until just now! Thanks so much for the kind words, they are most appreciated. XOXO M

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