If we can cook it, you can cook it!

Category: Cremini Mushrooms

Thick Cut Pork Chops with Mushrooms, Shallots and Spinach

Thick Cut Pork Chops with Mushrooms, Shallots and Spinach

On Chewing The Fat, the recipes really do come from everywhere.  However in this case, it came from closer to home–our own kitchen. I had an intense desire for a Pork Chop and not one of those boneless half inch deals swathed in plastic wrap. …

Mushrooms in Yogurt Cream with Dill: The first Christmas Cookbook yields a great new addition to Chewing The Fat

Mushrooms in Yogurt Cream with Dill: The first Christmas Cookbook yields a great new addition to Chewing The Fat

I have several partners in crime on Chewing The Fat.  The most obvious one is Andrew. He contributes regularly and is basically responsible for everything baked on the blog.  Behind the scenes, his sister, Lauren is a big supporter.  She uses a lot of the…

Pasta with Mushroom Bolognese Sauce

Pasta with Mushroom Bolognese Sauce

Bucatini works beautifully in this recipe “I would be hard pressed to tell you whether or not there was meat in this sauce”. That was Andrew’s take once I served him this completely Vegetarian version of Italy’s renowned Bolognese sauce.   I am not sure that’s…

Chicken and Mushrooms

Chicken and Mushrooms

         This dish combines two of my favorite ingredients: moist, tender, crispy Chicken thighs and any kind of mushroom you like. If only I had been anywhere near The East End Mushroom Company (www.theeastendmushroomcompany) I would have chosen more exotic mushrooms from their selection of Shiitakes,…

Ginger Chicken Stir-Fry with Asparagus, Peas and Cremini Mushrooms

Ginger Chicken Stir-Fry with Asparagus, Peas and Cremini Mushrooms

         Spring has been notable here for tempting us to believe it’s actually arrived. This is followed by plummeting temperatures the next day convincing us all it has not.  In New York City, you can count on the oddest collection of outfits this time of…